About me

Who am I?

I’m not really anyone special. I live a mundane life with a normal job that pays just enough to get by, and when I one day go I doubt I will have left any mark on the world.

But that is okay. I live in the moment and enjoy each and every moment with what I do. Which is about whatever hobby or thing I want to in each and every moment. Shifting from quilting, sewing dolls, drawing, to trying to make video games or write a horror story, or just get interested in the newest creatures of lore or internet fads. I am a normal person with a head full of ideas and thoughts, and a need to just have something to do all day (When I am not brainlessly playing or unable to get off the internet).

So yeah. I am never going to do anything grand, but I am still going to have a lot of fun not doing anything worth while. Because I enjoy it, and that is all that really matters isn’t it?


The owner of Trolsk